Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Do you ever thank Jesus for....?

Do you ever thank Jesus for the beautiful earth? Do you ever thank him for your wonderful family? How do you think he feels after he does all this hard beautiful work just for us and gets no thank you from anyone. do you know he knows you? he wants us to be good and make the right choises! how would you feel if you made this earth and no one thanked you for it just think about it ..............................................................................................are you thinking................................................................................................
well i would feel teribal. so from now on i am going to try to thank him for every thing i can think of! and i think you should do the same! nice talkin to ya all,


Grammy Staffy said...

My Dearest Honey Bunny,
What a sweet post. I agree with you. I also think that we should thank our Heavenly Father every day for the beautiful world we have to live in.
Last week I worked cleaning and planting in our back yard patios almost every day. (Did you look at my post?...I can't wait until you come to visit.) As I was working I was so thankful that God has given us such beautiful plants and trees.

We are very blessed to live in this wonderful world. I am so glad that you realize it and let your Heavenly Father know that you appreciate it. I love you, Grammy

Grammy Staffy said...

Thanks for your comments Loni-loo. I just love hearing from you..in fact it makes my whole day.

Did you look at E.J.'s blog. I know that he wanted to hear from you too.
I love you lots

Erin said...

I agree Loni-Lou! Thank you for a great reminder!

We recieve so many amazing blessings everyday... we need to always remember where all of those blessings come from!

I am thankful for the warmer weather and the BEAUTIFUL sunset we had tonight!

Grammy Staffy said...

Thanks Loni,
I'll help E.J. read the comments when I'm over there tomorrow. He was wanting some comments but I don't know whether or not he knows how to get to his blog and check for them. I'll find out tomorrow.

Marla said...

Loni, I am going to be more thankful today because of you! You are right - there are so many things to be thankful for!

SuperCoolMom said...

Thanks for that great reminder Lonica! Also, congratulations on your great performances in your dance competition! You are really blessed to have a Mom who can teach you, talent of your own, health, and the opportunity to do it. Plus, I admire your hard work in practicing so much! Great job!

Sister Mason in Mesa, Arizona

Danielle Christiansen said...

Your post was so sweet. You are wiser than your years, I hope we all remember to thank him every day!

Cecily R said...

Thanks for a beautiful reminder!!!

Kenzie said...

that is so thankful. I will thank him.

Mindy and Ernie's Clan said...

You are right Loni. Jesus really does need thanks for making the earth. Thanks for reading my blog. Love E.J.

MaKayla said...

I like that. I am 8 years old. I will be 9 in September.

Misty said...

What a sweet reminder. Thank you for sharing.

Grammy Staffy said...

Loni your mom left me a cute comment. Read it and tell me if you would rather have pancakes or ice cream for breakfast the next time you come.

E.J just added a video to his blog that you can watch. He would like the boys to see it too. Love ya lots, Grammy

Grandma B said...

What a beautiful post...and yes you are right..we need to thank Heavenly Father for all the beautiful things we have. So many times I can find peace and happiness by just looking at a flower or bird...they are simple things...but so important. I feel it keeps us grounded to notice the beauty around us. Thank you again for posting such wonderful thoughts.

Scrappy said...

You are absolutely right. Never forget this throughout your life. :)
I am thankful for your sweet post.

I found you through your mom's blog, I hope you don't mind me visiting!

latree said...

that's sweet... I know you frome supercoolmom. she gave me the address of your blog because she thought you can be my daughter's bloggie friends. well that would be nice, but my daughter can not speak english, very sorry.

Ice Cream said...

This is a wonderful way to look at the world. So often we ask for special blessings and forget to give prayers of thanks when those blessings are given.

Johnny said...

Lonica that was an awesome post how did you think of it. check how many people have commented I love you very much. I hope you and I keep thanking Jesus for all the things that he's done for us.

Amandawhatever said...

loni i am thankful for jesus to